Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome:: He Promised

Never thought I'd be doing this, writing words for God. Never IN MY LIFE did I expect to want to be a pastor. But now, the want is so strong that I would be a fool to ignore it.

You see, I grew up a self-proclaimed athiest. For 14 or so years I followed this theory, though I could often find myself looking to the sky in wonder. I found comfort in the fact that we were buried and that was the end. I didn't want to think my loved ones were up there watching me tumble through life, watching me fall and fail. Even when we moved to Virginia, the Bible Belt, I refused to give in. I hung with the crowd that shared my "lack of belief", and I actually thought I was happy.
But about a year ago now, my mother stumbled across a church I'd never heard of. They were called the Seventh-Day Adventists and I became oddly intrigued. Okay...maybe it wasn't so odd. I mean, my ma proposed it to me with saying "Wanna go to a vegetarian buffet? We have to sit through a sermon first." Now, I am a vegetarian, so I was willing to suffer the words of some wacko pastor in order to get good food (and boy, are there some fine cooks in that church). But I never bargained for what would happen. As the pastor stood up front and preached, I found myself unable to look away with disinterest. Truth was, I was interested...more than that actually. I was yearning to learn what this pastor knew. How could he stand up there and preach about a slave owner named God, and keep a smile on his face the whole time? He really loved his master...and for a year now, he taught me to as well.
Now, of course, this year has not all been up hill. Heck, I want to meet a Christian that has a life of rainbows and butterflies! Truth is, the Christian road is tough, really tough. God is very blunt is saying that it's the toughest road one could follow. However tough it is though, He promises it will be worth it. Now, if some human came up and gave me a promise like that, I would laugh and shew him away, ordering he stop speaking such nonsense. But God? No, this Guy doesn't lie. He is the only one who's never spoken a lie. He's the only one we can count on to keep His promises.
So let me end with some proof here. Let us travel to the Great Book, the Word of God. Yes, I do mean the Bible. Now, my Bible is the New King James version, so if you prefer a different version, you can find it online or in your own Bible. The book we are turning to is Psalms, chapter 23, verse 4. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." You see, God knows this life is difficult, and that the Devil tempts us at every corner. Each choice we make could mean the difference between Salvation, and death. But, he promises here, and in many places within the Bible, that He's there for us. My pastor once said in a sermon that if we get to the end of our rope, swing on over to God's rope. His rope is endless and He won't let you fall.

God bless you and have a wonderful week.

Pastor in training, Lindsay :)

If you'd prefer to listen to my sermons, rather than read them, I also have a Youtube account:

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