Friday, February 11, 2011

Mightest Glacier

Opening Prayer- Lindsay Lagasse
Scripture Reading- Proverbs 3:6
Music- He Leadeth Me (537 SDA Hymnal)
Sermon- Lindsay Lagasse
Closing Prayer- Lindsay Lagasse

Bless'ed Shepherd, thank You for leading us this past week and all the time before. From birth until death, You guide us with loving hands, knowing that we are sheep who have gone astray. Each of us is a priceless jewel who, to You, is worth saving at all costs. This is why You sent Your only Begotten Son to die for us, a lost race that did not deserve Your mercy. Thank You. We not bow humbly before You, asking that You speak through me, dear Friend, that what I say is pleasing to You. I pray that out there someone who needs these words is reading what I have wrote. We know You know, Father, what is on our hearts. Let all that is written here today bring bountiful blessings to those witnessing. In the Name of our Lord and Saviour, AMEN.

"In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." PROVERBS 3:6

Lyrics included:

Your paths! Then, every man’s path is distinct for him, and for no other. The paths may lie side by side, but they are different. They have converged; they may diverge. When Peter had been told of the rugged nature of the predestined path which was marked out for him in the Providence of God, he turned towards John, his companion and friend, and said to Jesus, “What shall this man do?” The Lord instantly replied, in effect: “That is a matter in which I can brook no interference; it is entirely a matter for my choice and will; if I will, it may be that he shall tarry till I come.”

We need to be divinely directed. — The man who stands above the maze can direct you through all it by the readiest path. God who made you for your life, and your life for you, can direct you, and He only.

First: Look to a verse before, Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Lean not to your own understanding. — One is apt to pride oneself on one’s far-sighted judgment. We consult our maps and guides and the opinions of fellow-travellers, to find ourselves at fault. We have to learn that our own understanding is not keen enough or wise enough to direct; we must renounce all dependence on it.

Second: In all thy ways acknowledge Him (back to Proverbs 3:6). — Let your eye he single; your one aim, to please Him; your sole motive, His glory. It is marvellous how certainly and delightfully our way open before us when we no longer look down on it, or around at others, but simply upwards into the face of Christ. It is a universal law, unalterable as the nature of God, that no created being can be truly holy, useful, or happy, who is knowingly and deliberately out of the Divine fellowship, for a single moment.

If you ever visit Alaska, you'll want to see the glaciers. These huge packs of ice have formed over many years.
Each year new snow falls on old snow in the basins between mountain peaks. Because the weather stays cold, the snow falls faster than it melts, making the snow very deep. The weight of the new snow presses the old snow tighter, until the lower levels become solid ice or glaciers.
As the ice on the mountain gets deeper, gravity causes the glaciers to slide downhill. As they slide, they push huge boulders with them.
Most glaciers slide only a little distance each day. Sometimes the toe of the glacier is on land, and it gets warm enough to melt. But if the ice toe hangs over a body of water, it breaks off into the water below. This is called calving (because it looks much like as if a giant cow was giving birth)!
If you know what to look for, you can see places where glaciers have moved. Many are now lush U-shaped valleys in which forests and meadows flourish. Only the strength of a great glacier could shape such a valley.
What is happening in your life? Are you learning life lessons from your hard times? Have you chosen to keep God as your focus? In Proverbs 3:6, it is clearly stated that if we acknowledge God, He will keep our paths straight. God knows what is ahead and He will help you "slide" the right way. A glacier is mighty and able to tear through some rough terrain, but isn't God all the mightier?

On that point, I must testify. When I came into the church, things were pretty swell. But as time passed, life took a turn for the worse. I cursed the Father on numerous occasions, believing He was toying with me and trying to bring me down. I decided to take matters into my own hands. You know what? It made matters all the worse. I said some things to people I love that I will never be able to take back. That time ruined my life. Defeated and lost, I turned back to God. I realized the error of my ways, thinking I could handle this alone. And you know what? God forgave me. Since turning back and humbly bowing before Him, He has made my life one of bounty. I won't say it is all an easy hike on a comfortable spring day in flat terrain; heck, there are still a hundred mountains for me to climb! But He has given me a destination, and I know that whatever is His will, will be possible for me with His guidance. He has made my once swerved path, straight. Trust in Him, and He will do the same for you.

Beloved Savior, thank You for laying Your merciful hand into our lives. Like the mighty glacier, which carves a path through impossible terrains, You clear a way for us in life. Only by Your Divine grace can we flourish. We pray You keep our paths straight this week, Lord, and You guide our eyes to stay on You alone. This world has so many distractions, but with Your help, we can always remember to stay above the petty pleasures, for they are only temporary reliefs. You, Father, are eternal joy. In Christ's Name we pray, AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this Lindsay!! I don't know if this is off topic or not, but it made me really think of how much trust I need to put in God for me to let Him guide my life. I have my plans and dreams, but I constantly need to remember to let God lead for me and write my story. <3
