Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christian Label


Opening Prayer: Lindsay Lagasse

Music: Take the Name of Jesus with You (hymn 474, SDA Hymnal)

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:16

Sermon: Lindsay Lagasse

Closing Prayer: Amber Clark

Heavenly Father in Heaven, thank You for this day. It is only by Your grace that we wake up each morning with motivation to continue on. You bless us even when we do not deserve what we receive. Thank You. Thank You. Even when the weather is cold and our lives seem to have frozen over, we can be assured that Your arms are open to warm us with Your undying love. Thank You. We have fallen short this week, as we do every week, and it is with a humbled heart that we pray You forgive us. And we thank You, knowing that You will answer this earnest prayer. Nothing can separate us from You, even when we go about our lives with unChrist-like mannerisms. Thank You. And so we continue our prayer asking that this piece be Your will and only Your will. For You know what we need to read. Thank You. In Christ's all-powerful name, AMEN.

Lyrics included:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16, NKJV)


So, the way I came upon my topic today was different than most days. I was actually reading a piece written by one of my best friends, Amber Clark. Her written work, called UnChristian, struck my heart in a deep way and I knew it was what I had to cover this week. I don't normally agree with "advertising" in my written pieces, but I feel impressed to do so, here. Amber has her own blog, called Way Beyond Myself, and it is about her spiritual journey and such. She has a natural talent, which I had already known because I actually know her by us writing together. But here, it is so much different. I see a new side of her that was not fully expressed through our fictional ramblings. Here, it's pure thought influenced by God.

Anyway, I must say that I will be quoting a majority of my work here, today. Some from Amber and then a few from other sources. I just don't feel I can give this topic justice if I word it myself. I just don't have the skill to do so. I'm here to share an important topic, one that affects every Christian and every nonChristian. The topic of character.

In Amber's piece, she tells a story about Ghandi. I will simply copy and paste from Amber's blog to here, or else I will butcher it:

"We all know who Gandhi is, right? Well, in his younger years, he was a lawyer and was working in South Africa. Gandhi was Hindu, but he had a Christian friend who kept trying to convince him to go to church with him. Gandhi was reluctant, but eventually he gave in. Except here's the clincher: when Gandhi tried to enter the church, the members wouldn't let him because he was 'brown.'"

She then goes on to give a couple quotes from Ghandi. They, personally, made me clench my stomach as if this peaceful man had physical punched my gut. But he isn't trying to insult us as a whole; he can only go off of experience:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

"If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today."

Isn't that so sad? As a Christian, it pains me physically, as well as emotionally, that this man could have been pushed away by the character of our fellow Christians. How do we expect to win anyone over if we refuse to accept someone based on, well, anything? Imagine if Doug Batchelor (my personal hero, just saying) had been unjustly judged when he wandered down from his cave into a Seventh-Day Adventist church? Sure, he got some ignorant looks cast at him, and that is wrong, but he wasn't cast out. If he had, do you think we would have our Pastor Batchelor preaching for our Church? I think not. I remember reading that part in his book (The Richest Cave Man) and my stomach flipped. I was so nervous that he'd be set aside. But he hadn't been because, though on the inside some of those people judged him (as is only human), they set aside their personal comforts and took him in for fellowship.

During the American Civil War, fought between the years 1861 - 1865, over 600,000 soldiers from the South died. But a heartfelt prayer that survived was the Prayer of the Unknown Confederate Soldier, a soldier's unrequited but unsurpassed prayer:

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve,

I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly to obey...

I asked for health, that I might do greater things,

I was given infirmity that I might do better things...

I asked for riches, that I might be happy,

I was given poverty that I might be wise...

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men,

I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God...

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,

I was given life, that I might enjoy all things...

I got nothing that I asked for- but everything I hoped for,

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am among all men, most richly blessed.

This guy knew what was going on. Wouldn't you agree that he had a good head on his shoulders? He knew the character God desired us to have, and though his prayers were given twisted answers, he saw that God did indeed answer them. What am amazing gift he had. Why do I say it's a gift? Because, face it, if God doesn't answer our prayers exactly how we expect, we throw a temper tantrum like spoiled children. This man did not shake his fists at the Lord demanding power, wealth, health, and strength. Instead he accepted poverty, infirmity, and weakness with a grateful heart. That, my friends, is a true Christian character. You remember in Luke 22:42. when Jesus was talking to God? He said "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done". He did not demand relief, trying to force God to do His (Jesus') will. He wanted His Father to be pleased, even if that meant discomfort and pain on his part. That is Christian character. Accepting God's will, even when it doesn't match up with our own.

An official of a Mission Board, who knew that it takes more than desire to make a missionary, was appointed to examine a candidate. He told the young man to come to his house at 6 in the morning. The young man went at 6 in the morning to be examined, and the examiner kept him sitting in the room until ten. Then he went down to him and said abruptly, “Can you spell? Can you spell God?” “Yes, sir,” came the answer calmly. “Can you write your name? Do you know what your name is?” “Yes, sir,” again he replied. He put him through a series of questions of that kind, and then went to the Missionary Board and said, “He will do. I tried his patience for four hours, and he did not break down: I then insulted him, and he did not lose his temper. He will do.” That is the way to prove Christianity. If a man answers all abuses with patience, a fortitude, a gentleness that cannot be violated, depend upon it, Christ’s love has conquered his heart, and the Christianity that has made him what he is vindicated by the very quality of his character. Such a Christian causes men to say, “Well, after all, you’ve got to say something for a religion that produces a man like that."

Do others see Christ when we are tested? When life is going well, it is easy to show off a Christian character. I know this very well. I often act quite Christ-like...until a little obstacle presents itself. I say little because every one of our trials is, in fact, small in comparison to what Christ went through. And yet, Christ kept a character that submits to God's will throughout all His ordeals. But a small paper cut in our lives and we fall short of the glory.

That in mind, I want to end with a quote from Christian Contradictions by Joseph Roy, Vol. 5, no. 4: "A true Christian is a sign of contradiction--a living symbol of the Cross.

"He or she is a person who believes the unbelievable, bears the unbearable, forgives the unforgivable, loves the unlovable, is perfectly happy not to be perfect, is willing to give up his or her will, becomes weak to be strong ... and finds love be giving it away."

Keep all this in mind, Brothers and Sisters. Remember, we are being watched by the world. If we do not keep our character on the path of God's will, what kind of example are we setting? We are representing Jesus when we put on the Christian label. What kind of reputation do you give Jesus?


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for this day. So many times we forget to thank you, even for the smallest things, but we really do appreciate all you've done for us.

Thank you for Lindsay's message today, and help us take it to heart and apply it to our lives. I know it can be hard, but give us the faith and courage to do what we must.

There is a lot on everyone's hearts and minds, and I pray that you help us and encourage us with whatever we may be dealing with.

It's in his name we pray, Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In the Nick of Time


Music: I will Sing of Jesus' Love (hymn 183 in SDA Hymnal)

Pastoral Prayer: Lindsay Lagasse

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:37-39

Sermon: Lindsay Lagasse

Closing Prayer: Lindsay Lagasse

Heavenly Father, we take this time now to bow, bend a knee, and humble ourselves to You. There is truly no one like You in all the universe. You sent Your only begotten Son to die for us, just so we could have a chance to be with You. We are sinners, Lord, and only through the precious blood of the Lamb can we be saved. Only because of Your love do we have a chance. So Father, we ask now that You sit with us in this worship time. Give us the will to listen, and make our hearts soft and open to Your grace. And I pray, Lord, that You guide my hands to say not my will, but Your will. In Your holy and all-powerful name, AMEN.


ROMANS 8:37-39

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Brothers and Sisters, it is so nice to be writing to y'all again! Last week was quite rough but, God is good, and all seems to be well now. I'm rested physically, but I also feel renewed spiritually. Who's with me in saying "Bring it, Satan! You can not overpower us, we have Jesus on our side!" How cool is it we can say that? No matter what we do, He loyally walks by our side, only waiting for us to turn to Him and give a single step in His direction. That is one remarkable guy, right there. Don't know about you, but if people continue to stomp all over what I say and ignore me, I tend to have the normal human response: "Yeah, fine. Didn't want you around anyway..." I won't mean it, but it's what comes out and, being stubborn (hey, I'm a goat and cat girl), I will keep my back turned on them. Aren't we lucky that your salvation isn't on MY shoulders? Be happy to have someone like Jesus, who walked the world, but was not of the world.

Well, here today we are going to talk about His love for us. I think we all read about how much He loves us, and how He forgives us unconditionally, and all that. But when we read it, do we digest it? A couple weeks ago I mentioned about digesting the Bible like a wild yak digests its lichen--consume it over and over again. This way you get everything out of it that can possibly be taken from it; you don't want to miss any of those scrumptious spiritual nutrients, do you? You can't survive without all the components of the food pyramid. Well, same goes for the "Bible Pyramid". You know that big section on the bottom of the food pyramid? The grains and such? Well, if a pyramid of important Bible nutrients was to be made, that section would be Jesus' love and forgiveness. Without it, we'd have no chance of salvation. We'd get lost in our struggles, drowned in our sin. No amount of works can earn your way into Heaven, only Jesus' love can get you there. Isn't it grand? Haven't you heard? No matter what you do, Jesus loves you. You can be the king or queen of the sinners, and He will adore your every cell. That's where you come in. Ask and you shall receive (Luke 11:9), this includes forgiveness.

A young nun once claimed to have had a vision of Jesus. Her bishop decided to test her truthfulness and ordered that the next time she had a vision she should ask Christ what the bishop’s primary sin had been before he became a bishop.

Some months later the nun returned and the bishop asked if she had asked Christ the question, to which she affirmed that she had. "And what did He say?" the bishop asked, apprehensively.

"Christ said..." and the nun paused a moment... "He said, ‘I don’t remember. ’"

Oh, that nun was so lying. God doesn't forget. He's like an elephant ("an elephant never forgets"). Such foolish ramblings from a lunatic...Wrong! That is precisely how Christ would answer. If one asks for forgiveness, He wipes away the sin and tosses it into the deepest of the ocean's trenches. How remarkable! The King of all Kings takes the time to not only say, "You are forgiven, my child", but also to go back into His 'book' and ERASE the sin. I say, my parents don't do that. They remember my every wrong done against them. Heck, I don't even do that for myself, nor anyone. Someone crosses me, and even if I 'forgive' them, I will remember it always. My former pastor once said to me, when I spilled a wrong done against me, to forgive but never forget. That was a great piece of advice in my mind at the time and I thought he must be all wise to have thought of that. But as time went on I realized how wrong he was. God calls us to forgive as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:12), so shouldn't we do like God and also forget? Yes, He has called us to do so! We learn the lesson that that betrayal has to teach us, but then we wipe their slate clean in our mind and move on. Because how can we forgive if we constantly bring ourselves to remember? If Jesus did, we'd all be in some big trouble. But His merciful forgiveness and bountiful love has Him be above it all. Thank goodness nothing can come between us and Him--nothing, but ourselves. My former pastor once said that God tosses our sins into the depth of the sea and we shouldn't go fishing them out. Isn't that insulting God? Here He has kindly and lovingly forgiven and forgotten, and we drag it back and wave it at Him shouting about us being unable to be forgiven. That's questioning God, I'd say. Basically you're saying that even the all-powerful Father can't take care of it. Sheesh, mine as well just give the Father a good ol' punch in the heart.

I was in Universal Studios a few weeks ago. We went on this 3D Spiderman adventure ride there. So we're beamed with some gravity-taking-away ray thing and begin floating away. Spiderman keeps us from drifting into space and all, while fighting off the bad guys. Suddenly, Spiderman is distracted and the beam wears off so gravity gets to work again. As can be expected, we started crashing down to earth. We all screamed as the ground came rushing up at us. Our noses were ON THE GROUND before Spiderman finally got a web down to catch us. He waited until the last minute, but he saved us in the nick of time.

As thrilling as this is in fiction, it’s even more thrilling when it happens for real. Just ask Mike Robinson. He is a maintenance worker for United Airlines at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. He had just left work and was on his way home, very early in the morning of January 13, when a tire on his car blew out. He lost control of the car, jumped a median and slammed into a ditch, where the car immediately burst into flames. Robinson remembers trying to get his door open, but it was jammed. Then, as flames began to rise around him, he lost consciousness.

Del Wolfgramm is another airport worker who was working in a hangar near where the accident occurred. He just happened to be stepping outside at the very moment the car jumped the median. Seeing the accident, he ran to the car. As the flames engulfed it, Wolfgramm pried the jammed door open and pulled Mike Robinson from certain death.

When he was later interviewed, Robinson called Wolfgramm his hero and said, "He saved my life." And, indeed he did.

When Mike Robinson was in that car, trying desperately to escape the flames that were encircling him, everything must have seemed lost. All hope must have been gone and death must have seemed imminent. And then, out of nowhere, a hero arrived to save the day.

The Lord does these sort of saves all the time. From the little girl about to end her life and suddenly gets a loving text message from a friend, to the teenager about to give his life to a world of alcohol abuse and drugs suddenly getting caught by his parents and stopped, God jumps in and saves us 'at the nick of time' in so many ways. For that little girl he impressed a friend to show her love, and for the teenager He sends the parents forward to discover the life-destroying mischief. He does this because He loves us. As Romans says, nothing can come between us and Him, nothing but ourselves and the wrong choices we make every day. But God doesn't ever give up on us. He can't because He loves us so much. So, Brothers and Sisters, why don't we try and make it easier on the Father? Show Him how much we love Him and how much we appreciate His always being there to save us just in time.


Father, there is none like You. None that can love so unconditionally and under any and all circumstances. We pray, Lord, that we can learn to love like You, forgiving and forgetting. As we get up to welcome another week, we pray You work in our lives, continuing to save us from this world's temptations. We pray we make Your job easier, Father, so that we can reap the harvest in Heaven. In Christ's Name we pray, AMEN.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Recession Or Depression?

Opening Prayer: Lindsay Lagasse
Special Music: Table Singers
Sermon: Rev Bill
Closing Prayer: Don Besig

Dear Lord, thank You for this beautiful week You have presented us with. We take comfort in knowing we have a merciful Father watching over us and guiding our every step. We pray, Lord, that You sit with us here so that the words will be of many blessings. All glory and honor go to You, God. In Christ's Name, AMEN.

Music (lyrics included)

Amazing how much of a procrastinator I am! I knew the basic outline of my sermon on Sunday (was impressed during my morning Bible Study, and then again in the evening Bible study)--yet I am writing it now. When is it? Less than an hour before Sabbath begins. Oh, forgive me Father, for putting You off so selfishly. No task should come before You. I am so grateful for Your everlasting mercy on me.

I suppose I should start off with the verse that this sermon was planted upon. It is Matthew 7:24-27.

"Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
"But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

Unfortunatly, I am not feeling well, and I am pretty exhausted. However wrong it may be, I can barely type right now and I feel I would be doing God a grave injustice with whatever dream-filled jibberish I place here. So, I found a sermon on the very verses I was going to be writing about. I'm so sorry, everyone. Lord, grant me forgiveness.

The time has come, O Lord - for us to leave this place; Guide us and protect us and lead us in thy Grace. Wherever life may take us as we go our separate ways, Help us share with others the things we've shared today.
May the peace of God, the Father, and the love of Christ, His Son, Guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us each one.
May the blessing of the spirit fill us from within; God bless us and return us to the fellowship once again.
Amen, Amen, Amen

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Windows, Digestion, and Storage


Opening Prayer: Lindsay Lagasse

Special Music: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

Sermon: Lindsay Lagasse

Closing Prayer: Carol Doudiken

Opening Prayer: Blessed Father, we bow before You as humble servants. Our praises be raised to You with our thanks. You walk with us hand in hand, carrying us when need be. Every breath is by Your grace alone, our lives by Your mercy. This week, as every one in the past, had both trials and joys. You've guided us and given us hope for a better tomorrow. As the End Time approaches, we need You and Your word even more. So, Lord, please guide my fingers and help those whom are reading to understand. Every word here today, we pray, has been typed by Your perfect fingers, for we know then that it will bless each and every one of us. In Christ's name we pray, AMEN.

Special Music:


Goodness, it feels good to be back to writing my sermons! Two weeks is two too many. Not to mention I also had to miss Service those two weeks, so I have been spiritually drained. But life back to normal--praise the Lord! I do hope this week has been as perfect for everyone else as it has been for me. I got reconnected with a friend that I have a rough recent history with, so the Lord has been working miracles in my life. I'm sure He has done so for everyone else, too. Praise His name!

So, I just started reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain the other day for English class. It's a fine book and I am thoroughly enjoying it (what I can understand, that is--not too keen on the southern accent). I tell you this because in it, Huck's guardian makes a fuss about his education. She, and a handful of others, claim that if Huck can't read or write, he won't make it to Heaven. They even made a pretty amazing (and entertaining) song about it for the Broadway musical, Big River. I was taken aback by this, wondering where on Earth they could come to that conclusion. Then my teacher, Ms. May (I adore that woman, just as a random side note), explains it is because if Huck can't read, then he can't read the Bible (not sure where the writing comes into picture). As much as I disagree with them saying he has no chance at Heaven without a proper education, I do realize the importance of Bible reading. Those who can not read should learn to read so as to study The Word, but I don't think they'll be put to eternal sleep if they fail to do so. What about those with special needs, who literally have the inability to comprehend written words? Will God punish them for what they can't control? Absolutely not! But I am not here defend a stance on that topic, I am here to tell the importance of reading the Bible. Not just forming the words on the page and taking them in, but the necessity to truly understand.

In the book of Matthew, when Jesus is wandering in the wilderness and then confronted and tempted by Satan, Christ can be heard saying "It is written" as a rebuttal every single time. Christ could have fallen to the Devil's temptations if He hadn't known a majority of the Bible. I am sure his mother and father, Mary and Joseph, taught Him a good deal, but a majority of what people learn comes from their own experience. That is how we come to remember things. So in order for Jesus to recall what is written so clearly and under so much pressure, He must have read it Himself. So, going to Bible study and Service to be taught is great, but one must be open to learning for themselves.

In 1Timothy 4:13, it is said to give heed to reading until He comes. What do you think He wishes us to read? Jurassic Park? Playboy Bunny? Sports Illustrated? Now, He doesn't clearly state 'the Bible', but sometimes we have to put good sense into the equation. The only book that Jesus would recommend would be the Bible, the word of His one true Father.

We can find a few good examples supporting the need for Bible study when we look at the world around us. There's the wild yak, there's a time in history I will explain in a moment, and then there's the Humpback whale, to name a few.

  • The wild yak lives in the Himalayan mountains. The male wild yak can weigh up to 1000 kg (2200 lb); females are 1/3 that size. Its shoulder height can reach over 2 m (6.5'). There is guessed to be less than 10,000 mature individuals left in the world. Uncontrolled hunting is the main reason for the wild yak's decline, and it is still the most serious current threat. Its range has been reduced by more than half during this century. In addition, the wild yak has lost most of the best alpine meadow and steppe habitat to pastoralists. Problems are also caused by hybridization and competition with domestic yaks, as well as by disease transmitted by domestic yaks.

In the high mountains, yaks must eat hard-to-digest grasses and lichen. After eating for a while they regurgitate and chew their cud (partly digested food) to soften it. Then they swallow it again, continue digesting it, then regurgitate and chew their cud a second time. Finally, their completely chewed cud passes through three more stomachs. While the food digests, it ferments, producing a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit in their stomach! That inside furnace helps keep yaks warm. As Jeremiah learned new things from God, he said, "Your words were found, and I ate them, And Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts." In other words, Jeremiah thought about what God had told him and shared it with others. When one regularly read God's Word, you develop a hunger for it and want to read it more and more. As you digest His messages, your understanding becomes clearer, warming your life with His love. It's up to you to eat.

  • Humpback whales live at the surface of the ocean, both in the open ocean and shallow coastline waters. When not migrating, they prefer shallow waters. They migrate from warm tropical waters where they breed and calve to arctic waters where they eat. There are 3 separate populations of humpbacks, those living in the North Pacific Ocean, those in the North Atlantic Ocean, and those roving the oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. They can get up to 72 tons in weight. Their heart alone can be up to 430 pounds!

As the humpback whale lunges towards its prey, its expandable mouth fills with water. The animal then forces the water through its baleen. The baleen is made of thick plates that look like wide ribs edged with stiff wire like hairs. As the water goes through the baleen, fish get caught in this strainer. The whale then wipes its enormous tongue across the baleen, then swallows the catch. In this way an adult manages to eat at least 1000 pounds a day. When humpbacks return to Hawaii for the winter, they no longer eat but simply find mates, breed, and bear the former years babies. Since they must live off fat they stored during their summer feast, those who neglect their hunting don't survive this time. David said, "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;" He knew that people must feed on spiritual food while it's available and store it in their memories. One must be sure to spend time with God each day. It's like gathering up strength for difficult times.

  • Long ago people's homes were made of logs or sod and usually consisted of only one room. Within that space families worked and ate by firelight. Many homes had no windows, for glass was expensive and often broke during shipping. Even in the day time the area would look dark and gloomy. Longing for light, resourceful pioneers sometimes spread lard on butcher paper and used that to make a window. But it wasn't much good. Then someone noticed the rock-forming mineral called mica lying on the ground. Mica's smooth, shiny surface easily reflects sunlight. The pioneers learned that mica can easily be peeled into thin sheets that are quite clear. This is just what they needed! Soon they were using sheets of mica to make windows. The windows were called isinglass. Isinglass was also made out of fish air bladders. Sunlight is very important in people's lives. Without it, health deteriorates. People often refer to light in a spiritual sense, too. David wrote, "The LORD is my light and my salvation;" In order to receive light, though, one must first provide a window. The window is the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. As one opens their heart to their messages form God, He'll help them live up to the light that shines through.

It is so clear that without proper knowledge of the Word, we can not step forward to where God can meet us. He wants us to just take that one step, and then He'll meet us where we are at. But like the pioneers, we need to make that window so God can see us beckoning Him over with our open heart. We need the Bible in our lives. Enjoy a morning and/or evening Bible study each day. Make it a goal to read the Bible (and digest it) in one year. There are programs out there to help you do so (I use the program in the back of my NKJV Amazing Facts Prophecy Study Bible). Build that mica window like the pioneers. Reread and redigest it thoroughly like the yak does its food, and store it for the difficult times ahead of us like the whale does for the summer months. God speed, Brothers and Sisters.

Recourses used:


Dear Father, I pray you forgive us when we act like spoiled children. I know Your desire is for us to have thankful hearts - contented hearts that want only one thing ... more of You. We pray with David, "The Lord is my Shepherd and I have everything I need."

In Jesus' Name,
